Doctors and team

Dr. Barbara Sturm-Waldman is active in medical research in addition to her work as a physician. She is interested in making innovative and improved treatment techniques available to her patients.

Dr. Barbara Sturm-Waldman

Molecular medicine, aesthetic wrinkle treatment

Dr. Barbara Sturm-Waldman is a physician for aesthetic beauty medicine and specializes in non-surgical wrinkle treatment, wrinkle injection and anti-aging. Dr. Barbara Sturm-Waldman studied medicine and sports in Bochum, Essen and Düsseldorf. She wrote her doctorate in the field of orthopaedics. In cooperation with scientists from Pittsburgh and Harvard, she has developed a cosmetic concept for skin care on a medical basis: Molecular Cosmetics, in which the body’s own proteins are used therapeutically to treat and regenerate the skin.

Dr. Estefanía Lang

Specialist for dermatology, aesthetic wrinkle treatment

Dr. Estefanía Lang completed her specialist training at the Department of Dermatology at the University Hospital Düsseldorf. She received her doctorate with magna cum laude and has also published in internationally renowned textbooks (Harrison’s Internal Medicine and Bolognian Dermatology). She has been working for years in the outpatient area of dermatology with a focus on aesthetic medicine.

Ulrike Deucker

Head of practice

Ulrike Deucker is a trained medical aesthetic consultant and has been working on Dr. Sturm-Waldman’s side since 2002. She coordinates the appointments, the daily practice routine and brings a lot of experience and love to her job. As the first point of contact for you as a patient, Ms. Deucker takes care of your concerns, questions and well-being with great competence and dedication.